9 ways to effectively enlarge a man's penis

Dissatisfaction with penis size is common among men. Few people know that it is possible to enlarge the penis without surgery, right at home. There are several methods of increasing the male member, worthy of detailed consideration. Consider the most effective ways: jelqing, creams, massage, soda, surgery and others.

How can you enlarge your penis at home?

A man thinks about how to enlarge his penis

Before embarking on penis enlargement, you need to familiarize yourself with what is called the norm. In a calm state, the length of the penis is 5-10 cm. In erect form, the length increases to 14-16 cm. The girth in this case is 3-4 cm. Such male organs are considered the most optimal for sex.

It is important to know!A man's penis continues to grow until the age of 18-25. It all depends on the rate of development of the organism as a whole. Before this age, it is not worthwhile to engage in organ augmentation.

In addition to the indications for increasing the centimeters of the penis, there are contraindications. Contraindications include:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes in the organ;
  • Oncology and benign neoplasms;
  • The teenage years;
  • Allergies and herpetic eruptions;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases in the body;
  • Pain in the organ of an unclear nature.

All the above contraindications are absolute. It is impossible to do exercises to increase penis inches, especially at home, if available.

Jelqing - a technique for increasing a man's penis

How to enlarge Jelqing's penis

techniquesjelqingoriginally from Arab countries. When performed, it resembles massage or milking. Helps get rid of blood stagnation, potency problems, solves the problem of small penis size. Researchers and andrologists have compared jelqing to strength training. Muscles actually grow during exercise due to fiber damage and after a rest period they increase in size. The advantage of jelqing is that it can be used both at home and on vacation, on a business trip - all you need is hot water and a towel.

To executejelqingit can be done in several ways. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

Wet jelq

Wet Jelq Ragout

Traditionally, wet jelqing is done using lubricants, petroleum jelly, grease, or a special cream. This is believed to help the muscles stretch better and make penis training less painful.

The therapeutic effect of moist Jelq comes after one month. If the exercises are performed correctly, the penis increases in circumference by 1-2 cm and lengthens by 3 cm.

Execution algorithmwet jelly:

  1. The organ is rinsed with warm water.
  2. Lubricated with gel or cream.
  3. A ring is made up of the fingers of the hand at the base of the penis.
  4. The penis is horizontal, the ring finger moves towards the head.
  5. When the ring finger is at the head, you need to grasp the base of the penis with the other hand.
  6. Exercise is performed strictly in one direction, changing hands.
  7. For the first time, the exercise is performed 60 times.

Beginners perform wet jelq every other day. Each workout can be increased by 5 approaches until the total number reaches 150. One month later, jelq is performed for 2 consecutive days, then they rest for one day and start again. In the third month, the dry and wet jelq technique alternates. The erection during training should not be too strong, otherwise the opposite effect will occur.

Dry Jelqing

dry jelly

Dry jelqing differs from wet or wet jelqing only in that no creams or lubricants are used in the process. It is believed that the effect of such training is greater than that of the wet version. The disadvantages of this method include:

  1. The ability to injure the skin of the penis.
  2. Risk of rubbing calluses on the penis.
  3. Unpleasant sensations if performed too intensely.

For best results, expert jelq artists recommend alternating wet and dry from the second month of training.

Stretching jelq from the center of the penis

Jelq Stretching

This technique can be done dry or wet. In another way, the technique is called "reverse grip". Instead of a ring finger, the entire palm is used here. The movements of the hands are directed only towards the head.

It is impossible to stimulate the penis from head to base with any training method. The "reverse grip" is intended to train a large muscle group in the penis. This is the merit of the method. The disadvantage can be attributed to the poor study of the small muscles of the penis.

Vacuum pump

Vacuum pump for penis enlargement

A device called a "vacuum pump" removes the air around the penis, thereby causing blood to flow to the organ. The device works on the principle of a pump. The English and Spanish models are the most popular devices.

Penis training with a pump looks like this:

  1. The device is put on the organ.
  2. The beginner training lasts 5 minutes.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to train the organ strictly according to the instructions for the pump.

Before using the vacuum cleaner, the penis is washed and treated with cream. The erection after the application comes immediately. The volume increase lasts up to 2 hours.

The disadvantages of the procedureinclude possible inconveniences. Sometimes the pump causes minor bleeding. Do not use the device for more than 20 minutes a day, as there may be problems with organ sensitivity. Excessive infatuation with the pump leads to the opposite effect.

Penis enlargement extender


An extensor is an apparatus that stretches a member to increase it or correct curvature. The device works on the principle of the pulling method. In response to prolonged stretching, the cells of the organ actively divide, increasing the flesh. Other parts of the body are also corrected in this way using an analog of an extensor: a compression-distraction apparatus.

The advantages of the apparatus include an increase in the penis of 4 cm in length, by 2 cm in circumference. The curvature of the penis can be corrected by 40% when using an extender. The device is worn for 4-6 hours a day. This time during the day it is divided into several parts. The course of treatment lasts from 6 to 8 months. When wearing the device, you must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

The disadvantages of the extender include damage to the skin, discomfort during use. If the device is used incorrectly, the opposite effect can occur.

Male penis enlargement extender at homePenis extender

Suspended loads, hangers

You need to buy penis hangers, created according to hanger prototypes, from trusted manufacturers. Before using the hook, the bladder is emptied. It is not recommended to drink liquids 1 hour before use. The device is not suspended if there is an erection. Before the procedure, the penis is steamed with warm water. The coat hanger must not be worn on bare skin. Before use, the penis is wrapped with a bandage or cotton cloth. The usage algorithm is as follows:

  1. The hook is attached 3 cm above the head of the organ.
  2. After fixing, the blood is slightly squeezed out of the head.
  3. One approach takes 20-40 minutes.
  4. The minimum weight for a beginner is chosen.
  5. 2 or 3 approaches are made per day.
  6. The rest between sets lasts at least 20 minutes.

We recommend training with weights for 3 days after a day of rest, or 5 days with two days of rest. The disadvantages of the system include the invasiveness of the technique. The advantage of the program is a penis enlargement of a few centimeters in just a couple of months.

Penis enlargement with soda

Baking soda has the ability to thin the blood. By itself, this will not enlarge the penis, but it can help when exercising for the penis.

It is important to know!A penis soda bath consists of one liter of water and one tablespoon of baking soda. The penis should be kept inside for 15 minutes. The water should be hot.

The second way to use baking soda for the penis involves applying olive oil to the clean organ and then baking soda. After application, a light massage of the penis is performed. Then the soda is washed off with water. The cream is applied to the skin. And you can proceed to any exercise selected for the penis.

Soda helps to disperse blood in all organs of the small pelvis, prevents the formation of blood clots. When using soda, you need to be careful: too saturated solution can cause burning and local irritation on the skin.

Creams, gels, sprays

Penis enlargement ointments and gels can strengthen the skin of the penis, induce an erection and create blood flow to the penis. But they can't magically give the penis a few inches in length. It is better to use creams and sprays in a complex, combining it with other methods.

Modern genital gels and ointments contain both natural ingredients and chemical compounds. Before using this or that remedy, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to it. For this, the composition is tested on a small area of the skin.

Male penis enlargement prosthesis

Augmentation surgery with implants

Penis enlargement with gel implants takes place under general anesthesia. Implants are placed under the skin between the epidermis and the shaft of the penis.

The gel and silicone inserts are implanted to the patient within 24 hours of admission. The price of the implant may vary depending on the material.

Surgical intervention is impossible if the patient has oncology, diabetes mellitus, severe chronic diseases. Rehabilitation after the procedure takes 5-7 days. During this time, the stitches heal almost completely. You will have to abstain from various burdens for another month.

Injection operations

Volumizing injection of hyaluronic acid into the penis

Hyaluronic acid is also used to increase the length and volume of the penis. This acid is produced in the human body, so its introduction is less dangerous than full-fledged penile surgery.

How much drug is needed and where to inject it - the doctor decides. Low invasiveness of the procedure and no risk of implant rejection are the main advantages of the injection method.

A short rehabilitation period is also an advantage of the procedure. The disadvantages include a possible allergic reaction, pain and temporary effect of the operation. After hyaluronic acid, sex life should be limited to just 2 weeks. The procedure itself takes 30-60 minutes. It allows you to enlarge the organ by 2-3 cm. The effect of injections lasts from 6 months to 1. 5 years and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.


In a man's body, the penis is attached to the pelvis by a ligament. The essence of the operation is to increase the size of this ligament, which will make the penis larger without inserting foreign objects into it.

The disadvantages of such an operation include hypermobility of the penis later on. Various complications are also possible, as well as after any surgical intervention.

There are few contraindications to surgery: blood clotting problems, diabetes, mental problems. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia for 40-50 minutes. The sutures are removed 12-14 days after the operation. In the rehabilitation process, the patient is forced to wear a stretcher on the genitals.

Sex restrictions after this procedure are valid for approximately 2 months. With a favorable outcome, the effect of the operation lasts a lifetime. When the patient can finally exercise, he will need to practice regularly with the extender. The maximum result after the procedure and training is achieved after six months.